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Schadenfreude for a German-Blooded PoetThe Grand AwakeningLove the O’s“A Beacon of Hope”. Photo by A24 Films.A Family Curse - Page 1A Family Curse - Page 2Hmmmmm. I wonder if he might have been onto something.Are You the Tired Old Tree? Or the Boy Who Took and Never Gave Back?In Memory of the Honorable Author Snoopy. Challenge: Create a poem using the 1st line.Atomic Bomb Memorial Mound at Hiroshima, by Jeremy Carver. “Tears of the 20th Cent.”Nationwide Praise!“Ditz”, Poem Excerpt. Image by Pawel Sawicki.“Who Are The Cowards”, Poem Excerpt. Image by Michal Dyjuk.A Heavy BurdenExcerpt from “Force Field Streams”. Image by Scott Prior.Final Words of Mr. ChipsJust A Pawn“A Clarion Call”Force Field StreamsGoodbye Mr. Chips (Redux)